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Be a Match and a Support System

A bone marrow transplant, or stem cell transplant, is a life-changing cancer treatment. As explained by Be The Match, the transplant process starts out with chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy as a means to kill off the cancer cells which simultaneously kills the bone marrow cells as well. Following the cancer therapy comes the donor stem…

COVID-19 Delta Variant Breakthroughs

As more and more information on the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant comes to light with research, clinical trials, and data collection. With the characteristic of being about twice as infectious as other COVID-19 strains, as explained by Wadman in this Science article, exploring the mutational ability and genetic structure of this variant is vital. Despite all…

Tuberculosis During COVID

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by bacteria that can spread via droplet transmission mainly affecting the lungs, as defined by the Mayo clinic. Typically our immune systems fight off the tuberculosis bacteria, M. tuberculosis, before you get sick which is how we can determine latent from active TB. Active TB can present with…

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